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 Radcliffe Karate Club

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Radcliffe Karate Club specialises in helping people develop a healthy mind and body, and to feel more secure through quality, comprehensive, and professional Karate instruction. Whether your goal is self-defence, greater confidence, physical conditioning, stress reduction, flexibility, co-ordination or sport, Sutemi is the POWERFUL ALTERNATIVE that will get you the results you are seeking. You are just one short step away from enroling in to our club. Why not take that step now?

We teach TRADITIONAL Shukokai Karate.

What do we give to young students?

A foundation for life and a foundation for living. An infrastructure which will meet all the demands of their coming life and yet enable them to flourish.

These include:

Weekly Classes

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This website has been prepared to help with a background to the martial arts by anticipating and answering any questions you may have. However, if after reading it, you still have not got all the answers you want, please contact me by way of email or through the contact phone number and I will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Practitioners of Shukokai refer to it as "the complete Karate system" due to its incorporation of techniques from other styles in the martial arts.

Karate is designed for everyone, old or young, tall or short, male or female or anyone in between. Rank requirements are the same for everyone, regardless of size and/or gender.

Become a better you!

We are looking to recruit a special type of person for our Karate club. They don’t have to be over-athletic, they don’t have to be over-intelligent. We will come on to their attributes later, first what can we do for them?

Our Beginner’s Class

We separate our newcomers from the experienced students to begin with. This gives them a chance to become relaxed in their new surroundings. We segregate them from the main body of the class although they do remain in the same training hall.

Dedication, Discipline, Respect

Karate teaches young people how to behave in the right place at the right time. They are taught manners and gradually introduced to discipline; this of course is all important in the Martial Arts.